Thursday, June 09, 2005

So I figured out how to post pictures y'all

Finally some time to mess around with this blogging concept. I hope you get a wee bit o flav from the pics of the Gig.
The one of Linc and I is simply because I can and I am so proud to be a Popa!
Chow Bello and Bella

Okay this is to be about the Gig not the Kid of the planter of the Gig but hey just goofin! Posted by Hello

This aint the mailman's child no siree Posted by Hello

entering the space. Note the groovy 80's carpet Posted by Hello

The ticket booth Posted by Hello

The signage Posted by Hello

The foyer for the Gig Posted by Hello

The door to enter the Gig Posted by Hello

The outside of the GiG -Pretty snazzy eh? Posted by Hello


Not that I went anywhere at all.... Life seemed to swallow me up the last month. I am struggling to do both my current job and lay the ground work for the Gig. Not an excuse just letting you know where I have been since my blog was left for dead.

HERE IS THE RUNDOWN....Our May 24 long weekend was Pitch N Praise. 2000 crazy students with bands, Bruxy Cavey as the speaker (teaching Pastor of the meeting house in Oakville), then we were all sick in the Abbott household and out of commision for a full week, then we had ordination for good ol me (they made me a reverand eh), and then we have had upteen dinners to communicate what we are doing with interested people. I love that people are interested buyt telling the same vision over and over again (guess I only have a billion more times when I begin to ask people to partner eh).

I still have not signed our lease, but we are moving ahead (and so are our landlords cause to us all it's a done deal). Waiting on final evlauation of the lease from a third party to give us peace of mind so to speak.

Get this our landlords put in a clause that lets us totally off the hook if this thing fails. After 1 year if we this baby has flopped meaning we have failed to acheive charitable status or a co-signer, we can walk away from the lease.

Man these guys love us and we them. They are doing all they can to make sure we have a runnin shot at this. They aren't even beleivers. It makes you wonder who is in control of this planet eh? Thine will be done on Earth?????? Setman group (our landlords name) even have encouraged me to attend meetings with politicians and sit on the downtown association. The have even set the tone for a meeting with Mayor Zehr. Totally wild and wierd to have a business not afflicated with the church, be one of our partners and have so much faith and hope in our work. Enough said I am pumped.

Bethany is holding a farewell for us June 19. Wow the end is really in sight. We then fly out to Vancouver June 27(Bec is recording her second album) and return back July 20ish. Can't wait for a different scene to clear my head and hang with my boy. Bec will be in the studio and Linc and I will be tourists together.

I pulled a disc in my lower back. I ahve been out of commision for the last 3 days so my heiney is a bit raw right now so will offer you more morsels a demain.