Friday, April 22, 2005

Okay so you're hungry and I wanna feed you (Yum)

Hey y'all,
When I think about this week in the church planting journey it's kinda like this...............................
I feel like we are going to shop for groceries on an empty stomach. I am grabbing too much off the shelves, the junk food looks way too apetizing and my eyes leap from longing to longing.
I catch a wee bit o drool at the corner of my lips as I watch Lincoln chew on his free oatmeal cookie that the bakery provides. (By the way, a kid can literally eat their way around our store for free. A potatoe wedge from the hot deli. Careful linc the sucker is hot! Balonga from the cold deli (the oil on this slab o pressed meat get in his hair and it looks like he has gel in it. His thick and chewy oatmeal cookie from the bakery looks oh so yummy as he chews and spews it out his mouth like an infected zit. If we time the shop just right we can make it through the store with him preoccupied by eating. Ahhh but I digress so easily. Must be close to lunch.

But the image of bec and I salivating at what God is doing in this new Gig (which may be the name of the new work. THE GIG) and in our lives is a pretty accurate picture. I can't sleep or slow down. I am racing, and not all of it healthy. I am trying to keep our student min and worship at Bethany running and of course I am in transition on the way out while planning for the new work. I have major presentations to make to my youth, ministry council (our board and leaders) church congregation at large, and our district conference.

Now there are 3 different denominations (including my own) that have heard rumblings and are offering to partner, BIC, Free Methodist and Bretheren. Some are more persitent than others and are offering finances and people, which ain't too bad when you are church planting cause the Abbott family is going to need fresh Toilet paper and that stuff costs money. I think when they hear the vision in detail and understand the philosphy behind the vision, some will back off and cool their jets. For sure this guy from out west it pumped and I will be meeting with him first week of May.

But truly this excitement and buzz is really just a confirmation that God will provide, he is driving and we are simply to hang on.

I presented to Bethany leaders at large and there seems to be a recognition of God's purpose and I think people are sincerely searching God inspite of their fears and preferences. One of the leaders said it would be wrong of us not to support Rob and get behind what God is apart of. it could be just what we need here. I was blown away by their response, God's annointing, his strength and his authority I feel is now ours as we are obedient in this process. Maybe I have personally turned a corner? Maybe Bethany will be a signifiacnt partner after all eh? Who knows God has done more radical things in the past! Hey pray for bec and me as we present to our church this Sunday the 24th in both services (9 & 11am).

Peace Out for now. By the way THE GIG as in reference to the ultimate gig God asks of his people, and artists call concerts Gigs sooo. Thoughts here????

My next post will be the vision for y'all so you can have a bit more insight to the direction we are moving. Hope you are intrigued.
On to the next Gig,

Saturday, April 16, 2005

What a Ride this Week!

My emotions have ranged from frustration, to fear and finally to relief and excitment. Huh you don't get those comments?? Let me unpack it for you. I am in the process of seeing a new type of church emerge. I have this huge grandios vision and i feel called to walk it out as M Zane would say to me. Crap the realization has happened to me I am a church planter about to plant a new work in downtown Kitchener.

Frustration because of I ahve to spend so much energy to justify to others that what bec and me are about to do is really of God. I pastor in a church now, I am not a newbie, have been pastoring 9 years in formal ministry. Even went to Bible college. I am a licnesed minsiter to be ordained as a reverend in about 1 month so you would think that people are somewhat supportive of my judgenment and think we are somewhat credible but Naaaah! There are those who are still holding out to decide if whatI am doing is even God honoring and right. Have I crossed the line into sin and watered down chrisitanity they ask? We are trying to rediscover our own expression of faith that is all. Not to change the the basics but to get rid of the religious preferences that are sometimes held up a christian. We want to be christ to those who don't know him in their space. We want To bring church to them and help them see that God is drawing them to Him.

Sounds like a missionary and evangelsit at heart to me eh!! But yet I have to spend enormous amounts of energy to get some beleivers to get it!!!

The Fear....crap what if's can kill you eh. Man the enemy trashes you withthe what if's in life. If I give in I could become immobolized by it all and quit. Nope that is just what he wants of me. I can do all things through Christ who strenghtens me. The spirit of the lord is upon us to preach the good news.

The releif and excitemnt....this theatre we are looking to lease is amazing and will totallly fit the plan god has given us, from the music gigs to theatre to community activities. The lease holders are not beleivers as far as we know. They know we are a church and what we are about. They are totally for us. Cutting us deals, free rent, advertising, networking with resources. They want to see what we are doing happen. They even turned down a company that was going to pay $10.00 more per square foot because they want us. No doubt that God has his hand on this place and wants us to be there for them as well.

There are moments when I see their enthusiasm as far greater than the body of Christ when it comes to taking risks and doing things differently. They have been a huge support God. The relief came when they said we want you and we know that you are frusterated with the poitics it takes for you to get a co-signer. Relax Rob the place is yours. This has been after 3 months of talking about the place and meeting 4 times with their team.

God I don't get this whole journey but man I will hold on for the ride. I am pumped and can't wait to hear from you and express to you in different and creative ways. I long to see poeple who don't know you recognize you and embrace you. Pelase let me be apart of that kind of greatness.

I am home alone for the first time with Linc this weekend. Bec has a gig in chatham with the band. Will miss her, but having some awesome quailitytime with my son(he is asleep right now and that is quality) and wings Up baby. Slightly sloppy, breaded, extra hot BBQ. Can't wait for dinner. Peace baby.

Friday, April 15, 2005

I Can See The Attraction to the Blog eh!

I met with Carrie and Greg tonight and told them one of my thoughts that drove me in this crazy pursuit of a new gig was me wanting people to see our lives as so Tasty they want a bite. She said maybe our catch phrase could be "BITE ME" It is just offensive enough that I love it but think it may be too much. Would make a heck of a sticker though, T-shirts would rock.
Not sure the christian community would embrace it though.
But hey aren't we trying to keep keep the easily offended outta here??

Thursday, April 14, 2005

My Life is Tasty -Bite Me
Posted by Hello

Finally in blogging Out!!!

I'm coming out so to speak. Be good to get my thoughts out there eh Tim G?
Let them all track with me. Good idea old man, good idea!

the fam