Friday, April 22, 2005

Okay so you're hungry and I wanna feed you (Yum)

Hey y'all,
When I think about this week in the church planting journey it's kinda like this...............................
I feel like we are going to shop for groceries on an empty stomach. I am grabbing too much off the shelves, the junk food looks way too apetizing and my eyes leap from longing to longing.
I catch a wee bit o drool at the corner of my lips as I watch Lincoln chew on his free oatmeal cookie that the bakery provides. (By the way, a kid can literally eat their way around our store for free. A potatoe wedge from the hot deli. Careful linc the sucker is hot! Balonga from the cold deli (the oil on this slab o pressed meat get in his hair and it looks like he has gel in it. His thick and chewy oatmeal cookie from the bakery looks oh so yummy as he chews and spews it out his mouth like an infected zit. If we time the shop just right we can make it through the store with him preoccupied by eating. Ahhh but I digress so easily. Must be close to lunch.

But the image of bec and I salivating at what God is doing in this new Gig (which may be the name of the new work. THE GIG) and in our lives is a pretty accurate picture. I can't sleep or slow down. I am racing, and not all of it healthy. I am trying to keep our student min and worship at Bethany running and of course I am in transition on the way out while planning for the new work. I have major presentations to make to my youth, ministry council (our board and leaders) church congregation at large, and our district conference.

Now there are 3 different denominations (including my own) that have heard rumblings and are offering to partner, BIC, Free Methodist and Bretheren. Some are more persitent than others and are offering finances and people, which ain't too bad when you are church planting cause the Abbott family is going to need fresh Toilet paper and that stuff costs money. I think when they hear the vision in detail and understand the philosphy behind the vision, some will back off and cool their jets. For sure this guy from out west it pumped and I will be meeting with him first week of May.

But truly this excitement and buzz is really just a confirmation that God will provide, he is driving and we are simply to hang on.

I presented to Bethany leaders at large and there seems to be a recognition of God's purpose and I think people are sincerely searching God inspite of their fears and preferences. One of the leaders said it would be wrong of us not to support Rob and get behind what God is apart of. it could be just what we need here. I was blown away by their response, God's annointing, his strength and his authority I feel is now ours as we are obedient in this process. Maybe I have personally turned a corner? Maybe Bethany will be a signifiacnt partner after all eh? Who knows God has done more radical things in the past! Hey pray for bec and me as we present to our church this Sunday the 24th in both services (9 & 11am).

Peace Out for now. By the way THE GIG as in reference to the ultimate gig God asks of his people, and artists call concerts Gigs sooo. Thoughts here????

My next post will be the vision for y'all so you can have a bit more insight to the direction we are moving. Hope you are intrigued.
On to the next Gig,


Blogger Unknown said...

I like "the Gig".

It's great to hear others are interested and want to jaw wit ya. Sounds like you are in for the ride of your life.

I'm glad you are willing to take this risk! Cheers as you present Sunday.

5:25 p.m.  

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